These deliciously cute Pumpkin Spice Donut Bread Puddings glazed with Salted Caramel will definitely put you on the pastry rock star list!
A “Must Have” on your next dessert buffet…
Who would think…that stale, hard donuts are the bomb? Oh baby, in a bread pudding they are revived to their glorious rich, heavenly state of deliciousness!
I talk about this and more recipes on the Fox19 Morning Show. You can watch that segment here.
When I discovered these adorable Simply Baked paper baking cups by Christy Designs, I could not wait to use them.
Bread pudding is one of the easiest desserts you can make and everyone loves them. They can be sweet or savory. It’s the best way to use leftovers. You just bind it with a custard. And bake it. Voila!
So move over pumpkin pie and let these sweet baby cups filled with yumminess blow your mind!
Stale donuts become delicious Pumpkin Spice Donut Bread Pudding.
Serves 12 +
Chef Gerrie's Notes
* Paper Baking Cups are really fun to use, super cute, decorative, and a different individual kind of presentation. You just fill half way and bake on a sheet pan. These are by Christy Designs, LLC.
* Mini-Tasting Spoons by Mozaik are perfect for serving with the baking cups.
* Roasted Pumpkin recipe can be found on chefgerrie.com
* Roasted Pepitas are great to snack on, or use in salads, and baked goods.
* DLM Salted Caramel Sauce is quick and easy to use with the squeeze bottle.
Cut each doughnut into 5 or 6 pieces.
In a large mixing bowl bowl, whisk together eggs, milk, heavy cream, brown sugar, salt, whisky, and freshly grated nutmeg.
Submerge doughnuts. Press doughnuts into liquid to moisten. Let sit 10-20 minutes.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Fill baking cups half-way with ice cream scoop. Bake for 20-30 minutes. Or until done. Cool to room temperature.
Drizzle caramel sauce over top and enjoy! (If using a 9×13 baking dish, bake for 45 minutes or until done)