Having red hair, the gift of gab, and Campbell as my middle name (ok, it’s Scottish, but c’mon close enough right?) — I too remember an Irish joke…
What’s Irish and stays out all night?
…Paddy O’ Furniture!
What do perverted leprechauns drink on St. Patrick’s Day?
…Mount & Do!
And how about a St. Patty’s Day toast or two?
Here’s to a long life and a merry one. A quick death and an easy one. A pretty girl and an honest one. A cold beer…and another one.
If liquor were a pond and I was a duck, I’d swim to the bottom and never come up…but liquor is not a pond and I’m not a duck, so tip your cup and let’s get “F***** up”
Ok, that one may be from an LSU frat party, but close enough. And one final toast from my wee little sista…
Too bad, so sad.
Alright, now that you’re properly in the Irish spirit and have some laughs to take to your green celebration let’s get to the food!
Roasting Corned Beef
Corned beef is a staple on St. Pat’s, traditionally boiled and braised, but today we’re doing things a little differently.
Using The Fabulous Five method of roasting instead of the traditional boil and braise makes the final product tender beyond words, I kid you not my friends!
De-salting corned beef
Ok, but this tenderness does not come easy. This recipe requires a two day prep time, but I swear, it’s worth it and you will NOT regret it. You must soak the corned beef for 4 hours the day before serving, changing the water every half hour or so.
Stick with me here…this process actually removes the salt, which is what happens when you boil and braise the corned beef. It’s kind of like a reverse brine.
After you’ve de-salted your meat, you’ll season it with a magically delicious rub and refrigerate overnight. Get your slow roast groove on the next day while you pop a Guinness or two and remind yourself that you’re a wee bit Irish.
I’m serving this corned beef over another Irish favorite, Colcannon, or mashed potatoes and cabbage. And for dessert, check out my Pot of Gold…you may just like it too much!
One last thing to keep in mind on the 17th… green beer on St. Patrick’s Day counts as a vegetable! Cheers!
(If you’re looking for a nitrate free corned beef, look no further! The process does take 5 days, but can you imagine how succulent, moist, tender, and juice the outcome is? Pardon me, I’m drooling…)
Serves 6-8
Chef Gerrie's Notes
* Large plastic container: Bottom line is, the corned beef MUST be covered with water and kept cool for 4 hours. You’re also going to need to change the water out every 30 minutes, so keep that in mind when finding the best solution with what you have. Ideally, you have a flat plastic container with a lid that is large enough to submerge the corned beef and you have room in your fridge to store it. Otherwise, you can use a bucket with a lid — or if you don’t have a lid, cover with saran wrap and use a rope to tie the saran lid down. You might also be able to use an XL-zipped lock bag depending on the size of your meat. Either lay the bag in a flat container in the fridge, or in a cooler with ice. If it’s cold out, you can store your cooler or the bucket outside. You want the temperature of the cold vessel to be around 35° F. * Coffee grinder: Using a coffee grinder to grind spices is genius. I recommend you buy a cheap one and just use it for that purpose. I like to heat whole spices in a non-oiled or no-stick pan prior to grinding to bring out the flavor and aroma. * Electric knife: Mark my words, you will never regret buying an electric knife. They are the bomb! You have better control over slicing thinner slices and if you’re serving a crowd of hungry intoxicated savages, or leapin’ leprechauns…it is a whole lot faster and easier on the wrist and hand.Ingredients
* Guinness Draught Stout Beer: Stouts are made from un-malted barley versus porters that are made of malted barley. Stout has somewhat of a coffee flavor, while porters have a flavor of chocolate. Originally a stout was a strong version of a porter.Instructions
Soak the corned beef in water for 4 hours, changing the water every 30 minutes to remove the salt from the meat.
Heat whole seeds and corns in a dry sauté pan then grind in coffee grinder. Combine with the rest of the dried spices and brown sugar, and rub well all over your corned beef. Wrap in saran wrap and refrigerate overnight.
Preheat oven to 250° F and remove corned beef from the refrigerator. Take the saran wrap off and place in a roasting pan with a rack.
Roast uncovered for the first 2.5 hours or so. This will give a nice crust, or bark to the outside of your corned beef.
Pour 1 bottle of Guinness over the roast and cover. Pop the second bottle of Guinness for yourself (if you wish) and finish roasting until the internal temperature registers to 170° F, about another 1 – 1.5 hours.If you’re thinking, hell no…150° F is just fine, think again — it will be tough as a boot.
Remove from oven and let rest 15 minutes before slicing.