Deviled Eggs my way, will leave you and yours wanting more.
Be creative and develop those flavor affinities you so desire. Build off from one main recipe!
See the possibilities and share the love of deviled eggs.
Create your Deviled Eggs to be the Sp”egg”tacular of Egg-a-liciousness on your table!
Check out *Chef Gerrie’s Notes* to some flavor affinities that work with each other when it comes to the Deviled Egg.
Brighten flavors with the use of acids and layer ingredients to magnify more of a flavor punch .
Serves 12-24
Chef Gerrie's Notes
* Dash Rapid 12 Egg Cooker this is a great little machine. It steams up to 12 hard or soft boiled, poaches 7 eggs, and/or makes a frittata or open omelette. With the help of a tiny needle insertion,perfectly cooked eggs every time! Just plunge the eggs as soon as they are done in ice cold water…shells just peel right off. It is a must have for the devil egg lovers!
* Eggs, well this is optional, but I boil up a few extra to have more yolk volume in my filling…bigger fill
* Disposable pastry bag with small fluted or plain tip is optional, but it sure makes those deviled eggs gorgeous beauties. And the deposable bags are great…just throw them away…But save the tips. This package may be a bit much…but who knows you may be the next cake decorator of the world!
* “Yellow” Sriracha, from Thailand is really tasty, not as garlicky as its red brother/sister. It as a richer taste. Try going to the Asian grocery store to find it. And its yellow!
* Red Pimientos, from Spain are so much better than the diced up kind from Cento. And I like them better than sprinkling on the sweet paprika because I get the paprika everywhere and sometime too much. And you get that dried powder spice taste…yuk.
* Flavor Affinities that work well besides, chives, mayo and mustard for hard boiled eggs are just waiting for you to choose…almonds, Spanish pimentos, chili peppers, cream cheese, curry, pickled ginger, daikon, and red onions, salmon, caviar, crabmeat, shrimp, bacon, avocado, cilantro, basil, tarragon, scallions, dill, garlic, beets, sour cream, tabasco, potatoes, capers…
Hard boil your 12 eggs
Chill in ice water a soon as you can transfer (Handle) them, then carefully peel them.
Pat dry and slice in half, reserving yolks to be put into food processor.
Process yolks first, then add cream cheese, mayo, sriracha, mustard, rice vinegar, and salt & pepper. Taste and adjust seasonings.
Load tip into pastry bag and fill with the egg-a-licious filling.
Garnish with diced pimentos and herb plumes.